Repost from March 2008:Man Vs Machine….
Man Vs Machine….
March 13, 2008 by admin.
What is a major cause of this economic crunch we are in…. I think a root cause is the technology our banks have created and use to make them more financially sophisticated and to “improve” the way they do business.
We are living in a very crazy economic time brought upon ourselves by the ability to slice and dice any security stuff it into a computer and in theory make money. ITs a big game with big stakes and big risk. ITs also a game where the participants ( banks, hedge funds etc) are so detached from real assets and the tangible touch of feeling that something is just not right – its the detachment from reality and the attachment to digits on the computer that allowed this big game to go on. There is no one who can take a quick look at the tracks and say “derailment…….the tracks are not there no one can see the tracks, and then “Poof ” press a button and you just made millions on your position and unloaded a portfolio of mortgages. Nothing tangible . Nothing Real. Nothing Lasting.. ….
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