var yourStockSymbol = ‘msft’;
Retrieving stock information…
Average Daily Volume
52 Week Range
if ($j('#jive-widgets-browser').css('display') == 'block') { // Do Nothing as we are in edit mode
} else { // Build the URL to Yahoo YQL services var q = escape('select * from where symbol in ("' + yourStockSymbol + '")'); var theURL = "" + q + "&format=json&diagnostics=false&";
$j(document).ready(function(){ // Load function on launch $j("#stockIndicator").show(); doAjax(theURL);
// Function for refreshing the stock by clicking on the title header $j('.ajaxtrigger').click(function(){ $j("#stockIndicator").show(); doAjax(theURL); return false; });
// Function to add commas to numbers for volume function numberWithCommas(x) { return x.toString().replace(/B(?=(?:d{3})+(?!d))/g, ","); }
// Main function to make JSON request to Yahoo for stock information function doAjax(url){ $j.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(data){ var s = data.query.results; if(s){ if(s.quote.Change > 0) { // Change the change text to green $j('#stockChange').css({'color': 'green'}); $j('#stockChangePercent').css({'color': 'green'}); } else { // Change the change text to red $j('#stockChange').css({'color': 'red'}); $j('#stockChangePercent').css({'color': 'red'}); }
// This is where we add the JSON values back into the HTML above $j('#stockSymbol').html(s.quote.symbol); $j('#stockAsk').html(s.quote.LastTradePriceOnly); $j('#stockChange').html(s.quote.Change); $j('#stockChangePercent').html(s.quote.ChangeinPercent); $j('#stockVolume').html(numberWithCommas(s.quote.Volume)); $j('#stockAvgVolume').html(numberWithCommas(s.quote.AverageDailyVolume)); $j('#stockRange').html(s.quote.YearRange);
} else { var errormsg = '
Error: could not load the page.
'; $j("#stockIndicator").show(); $j("#stockIndicator").html(errormsg); } } });
}); //end ready function
} //end first else
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