Quick Note on Angel Investor Meeting
Tri state ventures has hit the ground running again. Two Really good companies ( we got a lot of positive comments from the attendees on that) Really great crowd classic Angel meeting: a roomful of investors. More Later. Its off to the races
read moreStartup Success
Company Founders need to realize that the company can be succesful – but unless they play it right it does not mean that they will make money….See it all the time.. You need to know what you dont know. Most Don’t
read moreCorporate Venture Capital
We hate to “toot” our own horn ( ok we don’t hate it) but as we uncannily predicted once again corporate venture capital activity has proven to be a fantastic indicator of the top of the market… The corporates entrance is a great signal of the top of the market…( one can ponder what kind of signal does the governement entrance into private equity signal: not sure, but almost certainly nothing positive for anyone but the politicians and their benefactors) It was the case with this last venture cycle… Ok. The...
read moreLegal Fees
Still dont see why we dont limit 800 dollars an hour legal fees… worse then CEO pay in some cases..
read moreThe Return Of The Bubble.
I feel very similar to when we predicted the perfect storm and previous market crash….The stock markets (unlike the bond market) have not digested the fact that there are real inflation fears…. and that the Obama plan has gone from creating to saving jobs… and that it will go from not working to likely being an economic disaster.. I am now going mostly cash in this market…I fear another major crash in the near term as reality sets in. Risk is once again too high and believe it or not have a bubble once again… a...
read moreAIG. The emperor has no clothes.
It is time for AIG to be dismantled. It’s profitable units should be spun off to both management and shareholders (US Government). It’s obligations as an insurance company should be honored only to the extent that it insures stability to the financial system. Insurance payments to other banks, especially foreign banks, do not meet the original investment thesis and criteria of the US government. Payments to executives certainly do not meet those criteria. When someone invests money in a company, any company- private or...
read moremarket panic- not yet
I expect that we will haveat least one day of huge panic selling- smiliar to the selling until now but much more disorderly and extreme. We have not had that extreme panic -yet.. but are due for one.- Fridays are always tough days for the market.. tommorow is risky…
read moreMarkets continue to swoon
When the president says brilliant things like profit and earnings ratio it proves my point about a lawyer much less harvard professor managing your money (you see lawyers get paid by the hour- more words eauel more time aha now you get it.) . one word: insane. as in crazy markets are insane ( a touch of the old small time fraud crazy eddy for old times sakes – life was simpler back then… Anyway, no reason to take the risk of owning stocks as I have been saying for well over a year and a half. Too risky. Not enough reward. Not...
read moreUpdate: Bernake says nothing.
Bernake’ statement: “If actions taken by the Administration, the Congress, and the Federal Reserve are successful in restoring some measure of financial stability — and only if that is the case, in my view — there is a reasonable prospect that the current recession will end in 2009 and that 2010 will be a year of recovery.” Talk about a worthless statement. That is like saying that ” The Lions will likely win the Superbowl if, and only if, they win all their games during the regular season and if and...
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